Thursday, 19 March 2009

This was going to be a comment on sport/historical fencing.

However, my drinking companion needs a kick up the arse so he can explain the differences between epee and rapier. That and he needs to come out and play with us some more.

Instead, I think I shall talk about another common thread amongst HEMA. Joy.

The instructors I have had the chance to learn from have this simple thing in common. I have also seen it in those who teach, but I have not yet had the pleasure.

The thing about joy is that it can manifest in endless ways. From the obscure digressions of my own honourable maestro, the jolly arrogance of Mr Easton, the single minded perfectionism of Mr Rawlings, to Mr Marwood's Safeism. The Thomas Brothers and Swordworks (

I am informed that they are Names. Mr Easton, taking a strong part in the translation of one of the Fiore manuscripts. Mr Rawlings doing a lot of work on i.33. Mr Marwood's attempts at the Chap Olympics. If the Thomas' are not names- they will be. There are others, many others who demonstrate their joy in different ways.

There are admonitions against taking an instructor at their word. Something along the lines of "would you bet your life on it". Nowdays, the stakes are lowered- I'd bet a bone that any person I've named here would be upset at any serious injury to those under their instruction.

Thursday, 12 March 2009

High Turnover.

We tend to have a high turnover in our group. I could go through a whole range of reasons, but the short version is that we're not a big group and our catchment area does not really cover 'our kind of people'.

Yes, I know it sounds elitist. It is in a little way. Accepting just anyone means that you could end up teaching people who aren't gentlemen.. (or gentlepersons- I'm elitist, not sexist)

What is "our kind of people"?

This is a difficult question to answer. There is no joining thread beyond being a fundamentally good human being and liking swords. So far, I've not met a dullard in HEMA- arrogant, geeky, singleminded, French, but never dull. I'm sure that will change when given enough time.

Xenephobic... possibly. But in the kind of way that means you invite a bunch of foreigners over because you want to beat them up and then get them really, really drunk and laugh at them. Then do it all over again. This time being a foreigner yourself and at the mercy of the hosts. More like the way you would fight a brother than anything else.

I suppose it's people who are serious about martial arts, but not serious themselves.