Wednesday, 8 June 2011

I seem to have been quiet for too long.

Do not worry, I haven't turned my back on the arte. It's just that I've been working on something and forgetting to share my frustrations and joys here.

Thanks to the recession I am still.. in-between jobs but I have been keeping busy. However, with the help of the lovely Kindle and my expertise at using specific kinds of software, I've been able to carry around a few manuscripts and comfortably read them. Only English ones I'm afraid- my foreign isn't good enough to work on anything else, and besides they're from my history, my culture and my streets (and my pubs, well at least the ones that survived the Fire).

I am getting more faith in my interpretation as time goes on. I think it will always be a little nerve-racking when you first start testing your studies. It's bad enough with the world of academia when it's only your ego that gets bruised when you're shown to be on completely the wrong path. "I think I've got this right, now try to hit me"

Ok, I'm not betting my life on being right, but it can damn well feel like it sometimes.

I am almost at the point where I'm ready to start sharing my version, I will emphasise that this is my understanding and it's fully open to debate and testing. It will also be revised with other aspects. I am doing what I can to look at contemporaries and I will compare, contrast and integrate whatever is useful.

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