Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Thinking out Loud again.

The looke ward the iron ward the hanging ward the cross ward, three high guards, the low guard, the broad ward.

So Broad Ward is probably something like Thibault's rapier at shoulder height, blade extended with matching position for the dagger.  It's that or something similar to prime.  TBH, it's just given a line in the rapier and dagger section so it's obviously less important than the other guards.

Cross Ward- that's covered in rapier and dagger.

Castle Guard and True Guard are basically the same thing. (slight adjustments for the sword being more of a cutting weapon),

The Low Guard- Possibly lazy guard?

Three High Guards? His "improved" Stoccata, Normal Stoccata and....? 

So that's the look ward, the iron ward, the hanging ward. and one high guard left.  Possibly.

These were mentioned in such a casual way, I have to assume that they were "common knowledge" at the time. Which means that it's probably covered in a different manual by a different author....  Bugger.

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