Wednesday 18 January 2012

First sparring of the year.

The winter hibernation is nearly over and it's becoming easier to meet up for a quick session now that the days are getting longer. So, this week was my first sparring session since the parks started to close at 5.

Yes, I still haven't got a hall, mainly because I need to get a handle on the subject matter before doing all of that stuff and there's a point where it needs to come out of the books and the notes and be put into steel. Obviously, I will improve as I teach and as all sorts of questions get asked.

So anyway, this week's sparring was just single rapier. To get back into the swing of it all and because my partner left his dagger at home. I'm still quite static and very defensive (which is acceptable, but limiting). My partner needs to work on his blade domination and aim.

Since we're both inconvenienced by the current financial climate, we can meet up during daylight hours and I can work on drills and things to overcome the current problems as well as figure out some of the confusing bits within the text.

Hopefully I'll also get to go rapier and dagger against longsword- that's going to be quite intimidating, but fun.

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