Saturday, 18 October 2008

Please allow me to introduce myself

Well, what with HemaBoy, HemaMan and now HemaGirl, I thought this would be a good time to find my voice.

What these lot have in common is that they're all old hands at this. There seems to be lack of a voice about what it is to be new to this...

I am new to all of this. My martial arts history is practically nothing. I got bored with karate well before I got past the white belt. I've had introductions to fencing which stuck me as immensely two dimensional and pointless. I also, at least on the surface, conform to a lot of the stereotypes about the kind of person that participates in this kind of thing.

However, don't assume that I am writing under any form of anonymity. I'm fairly sure those who know me will identify me within the first few posts (assuming the name hasn't given me away already)

So consider this a fresh pair of eyes, untainted by a lot of the politics and too new to remember the glory days. The answers are not in the past- The past merely serves to provide us with interesting questions.

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