Monday, 28 May 2018

I wholeheartedly support the Wessex League's actions to support inclusivity.

I wholeheartedly support the Wessex League's actions to support inclusivity. I believe their concerns are valid and I am happy with the decision they have made.

A letter requesting that a certain person of... questionable nature's name was removed from their jackets is doing the round. I've seen the screencaps, and let's just say, they are incredibly damning- lots of white supremicist dogwhistles and some that are less dogwhistly.

I am being coy, for three reasons.  You're reading this- you know exactly who and what.  There's a good chance you've already read and made up your mind.  No more oxygen is needed for his views, and I won't be surprised if there starts to be frivilous defamation suits thrown around.  The latter is more likely given the latest "response".  A non-apology that is, in my opinion, more grist to the mill and more weight to the accusation.  I'm unwilling to put my club and my team into the firing line by being Officially Outspoken about someone that I have no personal or professional interaction with- Just me and I'd like to think I'd put my neck on the line.. For now, soft pressure. I am censuring and advising people to avoid all services offered by those in question. When pressed, I will explain- I cannot, in anything that remotely resembles, good conscience, allow anything less. .

The most recent explanation is, to be fair, utter bollocks.  "I do not hold supremacist views" followed by a list of supremacist whining- how "voicing criticism of mass immigration" gets you called a Nazi (mass immigration is a canard) "Muslim Grooming scandals in England" (No mention or concern about the systemic and disgusting conspiracy that allowed Jimmy Saville and several politicians to escape justice by dying of old age- That's not a Muslim thing at all).

Calling his detractors the Thought Police. Lying about people condoning "religious or racially motivated rape" (Rape is bad, ok. Don't give a shit why you do it.  I don't care if you think it's culturally sanctioned- roofies, fucking someone incapable of consent, threatening them until they say yes... NOT OK)

Naturally preferring your own race- I can't be arsed to have a look at that study right now.  I could probably spend many posts dissecting the failures. Any nature/nurture study is either inherently flawed or unethical. Quick glance suggests it's been shaped by confirmation bias, partially with the experiment. The abstracts are.. complicated.

Accusing your detractors of fabricating evidence... Forcibly joining you to groups, photoshopping screenshots. This fails anything but cursory examination. I have been aware of this for about a year, followed the evidence as it was created- saw the removal requests made. I believe the screenshots are 100% kosher- the idea that the chain has been fouled so much is the ranting of a man trapped in a corner and firmly hoisted by his petard.

Pretty much every single sentence from the statment is utter scapegoating bullshit. Which, in my mind, serves to add to the guilt of the person making the statement. Immigrants, people of colour, people with other religions... Others. Never your actions. This is a key indicator of supremacist thinking, something that allows you to pass blame for setbacks and inflate your own success (Imagine how good I could be without all these people gunning for me)  Concern trolling about the Muslim Question.  "actual normalcy". "See Swedes getting raped because of their ethnicity" (he doesn't- it's reported to him, by people he seeks out).... etc etc etc.  Ends with a full on attack of an individual and a statement that this is all done because of some petty rivalry that extends to harming his partner.

The full context of that statement needs to be examined, and it's "yes, these accusations are true- you're worried about what I've said because you're the evil oppressors".  It does not stand up to scrutiny with any other context.

I applaud and support all those who are uncomfortable with the individual's actions and the way he has replied.

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